3 Grammar
3.1 Program
3.1.1 file_input
3.1.2 eval_input
3.2 Statements
3.2.1 stmt
3.2.2 simple_stmt
3.2.3 small_stmt
3.2.4 expr_stmt
3.2.5 testlist_list_plus
3.2.6 augassign
3.2.7 print_stmt
3.2.8 del_stmt
3.2.9 pass_stmt
3.2.10 flow_stmt
3.2.11 break_stmt
3.2.12 continue_stmt
3.2.13 return_stmt
3.2.14 raise_stmt
3.2.15 yield_stmt (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
3.2.16 import_stmt
3.2.17 import_stmt1
3.2.18 import_stmt2
3.2.19 import_as_name
3.2.20 dotted_as_name
3.2.21 dotted_name
3.2.22 global_stmt
3.2.23 exec_stmt (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
3.2.24 assert_stmt
3.2.25 compound_stmt
3.2.26 if_stmt
3.2.27 elif_list
3.2.28 suite
3.2.29 stmt_list_plus
3.2.30 while_stmt
3.2.31 for_stmt
3.2.32 try_stmt
3.2.33 except_clause_list_plus
3.2.34 except_clause
3.2.35 funcdef
3.2.36 parameters
3.2.37 varargslist
3.2.38 fpdef
3.2.39 fplist
3.2.40 classdef
3.3 Expressions
3.3.1 tuple_or_test
3.3.2 tuple
3.3.3 test
3.3.4 test_list
3.3.5 testlist
3.3.6 lambdef
3.3.7 or_test
3.3.8 and_test
3.3.9 not_test
3.3.10 comparison
3.3.11 comp_op
3.3.12 expr
3.3.13 xor_expr
3.3.14 and_expr
3.3.15 shift_expr
3.3.16 arith_expr
3.3.17 term
3.3.18 factor
3.3.19 power
3.3.20 trailer_list
3.3.21 trailer
3.3.22 arglist
3.3.23 argument
3.3.24 atom
3.3.25 string_list_plus
3.3.26 listmaker
3.3.27 list_iter
3.3.28 list_for
3.3.29 list_if
3.3.30 subscriptlist
3.3.31 subscript
3.3.32 sliceop
3.3.33 exprlist
3.3.34 target_tuple_or_expr
3.3.35 target_tuple
3.3.36 testlist_safe
3.3.37 dictmaker
3.3.38 ident
4 Implementation
4.1 Lexical and Syntax Analysis
4.2 Code Generation
4.2.1 Function Definitions
4.2.2 Class Definitions
4.2.3 Variable Assignments
4.2.4 Function Application
4.2.5 Importing Modules
4.3 The Runtime System
4.3.1 py-print
4.3.2 number-py-number%
4.3.3 string-py-string%
4.3.4 procedure-py-function%
4.3.5 python-get-member
4.3.6 python-get-attribute
4.3.7 python-set-member!
4.3.8 python-method-call
4.3.9 py-call