PLT Spy documentation

From Python to PLT Scheme

Philippe Meunier and Daniel Silva


This paper describes an experimental embedding of Python into DrScheme. The core of the system is a compiler, which translates Python programs into equivalent MzScheme programs, and a runtime system to model the Python environment. The generated MzScheme code may be evaluated or used by DrScheme tools, giving Python programmers access to the DrScheme development suite while writing in their favorite language, and giving DrScheme programmers access to Python. While the compiler still has limitations and poor performance, its development gives valuable insights into the kind of problems one faces when embedding a real-world language like Python in DrScheme.

Available in PDF, PostScript, and HTML. (BibTeX here)

Implementing a Python to Scheme Compiler

Daniel Silva


This paper describes a Python-to-Scheme compiler. The compiler translates Python code into its Scheme equivalent and provides a runtime system to model the Python environment. The generated Scheme code may be evaluated or used by DrScheme tools, giving Python programmers access to the entire DrScheme suite while writing in their favorite language, and giving Scheme programmers access to Python libraries.

Available in PDF, PostScript, and HTML.

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